Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Getting things done!

Hello all!  I have been so very busy lately.  I have finally made headway on searching for a mentor for my Honors Thesis.  I had a meeting with Dr. B today, but I am way out of her field.  I do love the way she teaches and how happy she seems to be.  She is a very pleasant instructor, and I would have really enjoyed working with her.  I will be meeting with another instructor in the field of Special Education soon, and I am excited to see what he says about the direction I would like to go in. 

The boys and I will be working with the Alzheimer's Walk this Saturday.  The little ones and I will be at one booth, and my oldest will be working at another booth.  I am excited to see how they feel when we go home.  Will they be full of energy and excitement because they got to help?  Will they be exhausted and irritated?  Will they be glad to go home, or will they want to do more?  Most of this will depend on how much sleep we get the night before, I am sure.  Thinking about the Alzheimer's Walk led me to thinking about a flyer I saw in the church office last week.  They are looking for volunteers to sit with shut-ins.  I remembered that my mother-in-law used to visit a lady in a nursing home, named Mona.  With the football season ending soon, my oldest will need a positive activity to be involved in that will shape his character.  We have decided that we will each adopt a church member that is a shut-in and visit with them a couple of days a week.  I have worked with the elderly in the past, and they have so much wisdom.  I have always enjoyed their company. 

Normally, I would not be sharing this kind of information with the world because Jesus said not to let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, that our deeds done in secret will be rewarded in heaven, and that all of our good deeds are as filthy rags before the Lord.  Aside form that, there is absolutely nothing I can do to earn the salvation that He so freely offers.  I am completely at the mercy of His unfailing love.  Unfortunately, putting these things on my blog is a requirement for my collo class. 

Well, I am off to my crazy, busy life again.  Thank you for taking the time to read about it.  Jesus loves you, and so do I!

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